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The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, by Michael E. Man

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The award-winning climate scientist Michael E. Mann and the Pulitzer Prize–winning political cartoonist Tom Toles have been on the front lines of the fight against climate denialism for most of their careers. They have witnessed the manipulation of the media by business and political interests and the unconscionable play to partisanship on issues that affect the well-being of billions. The lessons they have learned have been invaluable, inspiring this brilliant, colorful escape hatch from the madhouse of the climate wars.
The Madhouse Effect portrays the intellectual pretzels into which denialists must twist logic to explain away the clear evidence that human activity has changed Earth's climate. Toles's cartoons collapse counter-scientific strategies into their biased components, helping readers see how to best strike at these fallacies. Mann's expert skills at science communication aim to restore sanity to a debate that continues to rage against widely acknowledged scientific consensus. The synergy of these two climate science crusaders enlivens the gloom and doom of so many climate-themed books―and may even convert die-hard doubters to the side of sound science.
- Sales Rank: #5744 in Books
- Published on: 2016-09-27
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .80" w x 6.30" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 208 pages
A lively book that even "I-don't-read-science-books" members will like
(Ann Connery Frantz, Worcester Telegram)
The Madhouse Effect is an entertaining and effective pitch to the vast of majority of citizens who have a vague sense of the problem, but need to be coaxed into learning more, and soon.
(Peter Dykstra, The Daily Climate)
The Madhouse Effect nails climate madness
(John Gibbons, Village Magazine)
The Madhouse Effect is a breezy, engaging read, interspersed with wry illustrations courtesy of cartoonist Tom Toles of The Washington Post.
(Dave Reay, Nature)
Concise and fiercely illustrated...[Toles] cartoons cut to the core of the issues that Mann untangles in the prose.
(Mark Fischetti, Scientific American)
For centuries, powerful forces of greed have tried to hide the truth, but that doesn't change reality―the earth is round and climate change is very real. The Madhouse Effect brilliantly dissects the climate denial industry, empowering all of us to see the facts and take action before it's too late.
(Leonardo DiCaprio)
Michael E. Mann is one of the planet's great climate scientists, and Tom Toles may be the great climate communicator―together, they are a category 5 storm of information and indignation, wreaking humorous havoc on those who would deny the greatest challenge humans have ever faced.
(Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org)
If you are not concerned about climate change yet, please read this book. If you are unaware of the hard-core deniers among us, read this book. If you are a climate change denier, doubter, techno-fixer, or luke-warmer, read this book. Mann and Toles have written some words and drawn some pictures for you, so maybe you'll get it this time.
(Bill Nye, "the Science Guy")
When giving public talks, I am often asked, 'What do I do about my Uncle Joe, who doesn't believe in climate change?' Now I finally have an answer: Buy him a copy of The Madhouse Effect, and tell him you won't talk to him until he has read it. Even if he doesn't read it, he'll look at the pictures, and that might just be enough.
(Naomi Oreskes, coauthor of The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future)
Brilliant, insightful, and fresh! Two gifted experts―one a scientist, the other an editorial cartoonist―invite you to be entertained and outraged, inspired and motivated to escape the madhouse that characterizes climate dialogue and politics today. New and hilarious insights into climate change. I loved it!
(Jane Lubchenco, former administrator of NOAA and undersecretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere)
Concise and fiercely illustrated.
(Scientific American)
A breezy, engaging read.... If tackling climate change is indeed a war, then Mann and Toles have certainly earned their stripes.
From the Author
Madhouse Effect...throws attitude back at climate deniers while painting path forward.
(Mark Ruffalo)
What makes [Madhouse Effect] unique is the way it combines Mann's science communication skills and Toles' illustrations, which provide a biting and amusing perspective
(Andrew Seifter, Media Matters for America)
Nicely balances Mann's explanations of...climate science..with Toles' darkly comical cartoons.
(Judy Weiss, Jewish Currents)
The engaging and often funny volume aims not only to clearly explain the science behind climate change but also to satirize the skeptics anddeniers that have worked hard to delay political action for the past few decades.
(John R. Platt, Take Part)
The Madhouse Effect should be mandatory reading for the next President-assuming that the next President doesn't want to turn the White House into a madhouse.
(DR Tucker, Washington Monthly)
About the Author
Michael E. Mann is Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University. He is the author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines (Columbia, 2012) and a fellow of the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Tom Toles is the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist of the Washington Post. He has a particular interest in climate change science and has worked consistently to advance understanding of this subject, including its political context, since the 1980s.
Most helpful customer reviews
17 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
A Clear Behind the Scenes Look at Climate Change Denial and How to Respond to Climate Change Reality
By Diane C. Dieterich
The best way to get people to work against their own best interest is to lie to them. And, that’s just what vested interests in the fossil fuel (oil, gas and coal) industry have been doing quite effectively for decades. And, for decades, we’ve been buying and burning their fossil fuels, which emit carbon dioxide that pollutes our air, acidifies our oceans, and causes global warming. That, in turn, is changing our climate in ways that are already disastrous but will be cataclysmic if the CO2 emissions aren’t checked.
In The Madhouse Effect, Michael Mann clearly explains how vested interests have distorted our understanding of the ongoing climate disaster. He also identifies both who’s doing the distorting and who’s paying them to do it.
He’s one of a half dozen world-renowned climate scientists who have been singled out for vicious personal attacks by climate change deniers. That might lead you to expect this book would be wild-eyed retaliation. But, the 24 pages of footnotes show the care Michael Mann took to document what he says. He wrote The Madhouse Effect with a scientist’s concern for accuracy.
Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Tom Tolles provides concise, incisive visual messages throughout the book that both support Mann’s message and give it additional impact.
Lest you think the book a complete downer, my personal take-away is Mann’s twofold advice in his last chapter, “A Path Forward.” First, he calls us to “Support renewable energy and a price on carbon, and vote for representatives who will do the same.” Then, because the problem has grown beyond anything we can do alone, he urges us to “Join an organization with a good track record on climate.” By doing both these things, we can prevent the worst effects of climate change and keep this a livable world.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The Political War on Climate Science
By Thomas Wikman
There’s no reasonable doubt, climate change is happening, it is potentially devastating, and the reason for it is us. Luckily mitigation is in general not very harmful to the economy but we need to act sooner than later. Unfortunately, we are living in a political madhouse.
Science is a self-correcting process used for acquiring knowledge, and yet Climate Science has become very controversial in the political arena. This book explains why. The light hearted cartoons provided by Tom Toles help make this important book entertaining.
The book starts out by briefly explaining how science works and the basics of Climate Science. A lot of people with strong opinions on Climate Science do not know anything about it, so this is a very important section of the book. The book only covers the necessary basics of the science and the explanations are easy to understand, so not being science minded is not a reason not to read this book. In addition to explaining why it is happening it describes what the various effects of climate change are, such as sea level rise, ocean acidification and droughts.
Next the book discusses the background of what could be described as a war on climate science. This includes, misrepresentation of the science, deception, manufactured fake scandals such as “climate-gate”, the slandering of climate scientists, campaigns seeking to discredit climate science and climate scientist in the eyes of the public, intimidation of climate scientists, and the fossil fuel money behind it. This part may make the book seem “political”, but remember the politics was thrust onto the climate scientists. Towards the end of the book the author discusses potential solutions and mitigation schemes, including the risks related to suggested Geo-Engineering schemes.
This book should be very informative for readers who have picked up most of what they know about climate science from the main stream media (or worse from political blogs and shows). The author explains the difference between good-faith skepticism and denialism. He explains why any assertion of climate change being a “hoax” is entirely untenable. He discusses the science, the evidence, the 200-year long history of climate science, the hockey-stick controversy, and some common fallacious arguments against climate change. He includes a very substantial list of footnotes for reference and further reading.
As a short introduction to climate change and the unfortunate political controversy around it, this is an excellent book. It is well written, well organized, entertaining, short, and easy to read. The author, Michael Mann, has personal experience of harassment by politicians and other public figures, which gives him some interesting insights. At the same time, he is not indulging in petty revenge attacks but instead taking the high road, with humor. It is a great book for anyone with the slightest interest in the topic.
13 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Read this book! Give it to your friends! It will inform, entertain, and outrage.
By Michael Ashley
Read this book! It will inform, entertain, and outrage. It finishes by giving hope that there are solutions to the problem of climate change.
The chapter titles give a good idea of what the book covers: Science - How It Works; Climate Change: The Basics; Why Should I Give a Damn?; The Stages of Denial; The War on Climate Science; Hypocrisy - Thy Name is Climate Change Denial; Geoengineering, or What Could Possibly Go Wrong?; A Path Forward. The book finishes with over 20 pages of footnotes and links to on-line resources.
The author, Michael Mann, is a well-known and highly respected climate scientist who has been front and center in the battle between science and the science-deniers in confronting man-made climate change. His experience in communicating the science really shines in this book, which is laced with informative analogies.
For non-scientists, the first chapter on how science works should put some conspiracy theories to rest.
Also for non-scientists, as well as for scientists in fields other than climate science, the summary of climate change is very clear and comprehensive.
The middle section of the book describes the climate denial movement, and the various strange players in it who are driven by combinations of financial interest, ideology, and egotism. Mann doesn't shrink from naming names. For me, one of the sharpest distinctions between real scientists such as Mann and the denier "scientists" is that the former write so clearly and logically, whereas the latter are illogical, confused, and self-contradictory.
Future generations will look back on early 21st Century climate denialism with amazement and anger. Mann's book will be an invaluable primary source to explain to bewildered historians why we took so long to take action.
See all 34 customer reviews...
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The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, by Michael E. Man PDF
The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, by Michael E. Man PDF
The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, by Michael E. Man PDF
The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, by Michael E. Man PDF